windows not able to format
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MiniTool Partition Wizard : Swiss Knife for formatting needs

Every now and then Windows will throw up an error that it is unable to format the disk. We usually attempt to use a pendrive in a state of hurry. So it naturally frustrating when Windows shows up such an error. In this article we shall see a foolproof method to overcome this problem and…

paytm google play card

Generate Google Play Store Gift Cards online with paytm

Ever since Paytm opened shop in 2010, it has introduced one revolutionary idea after another. Online bargaining, payments banks, Metro pass recharge, gold purchase are a few such initiatives which other merchants were not even thinking about. In this article we shall see one of their smashing feature, Paytm Google Play Card. Please note that…

clickable image in sidebar
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Add a clickable image in sidebar : WordPress

Ideally inserting a clickable image in the sidebar for a WordPress website can be accomplished by the Image Widget. Image Widget is good and popular, but if you need to place just one image and do not wish to use the plugin for the same, here is another way to do the same The…