Twitter Cards : Display Images [Solved]
If you tweet a link of your post with an embedded photograph, it would be good effect if the photograph is also visible with the tweet. Twitter allows you to upload a photograph. But we will specifically focus on the photographs embedded in your post link.
Previously we had seen how images are brought alive in a Facebook post by using Open Graph.
Something similar is offered by Twitter called Twitter cards.
There is an elaborate tutorial on how to achieve this
To read more about Twitter Cards go to
Blog hosted on
Your account is already ready to accept Twitter Cards. You just have to connect your Twitter Account with your blog through Sharing Settings.
Self Hosted blog using WordPress Platform
By using Jetpack
Once you activate the Sharing Module by Jetpack, the option to connect your Twitter Account comes in the Sharing Section. Later once your post is ready, you can see it in the Publicize Option under Publish, usually on the top right of the page.
By using Yoast WordPress SEO plugin
The most elegant and headache-free way is provided by Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin. This plugin integrates all three social media options under one head.
Changing the social settings is as easy as fill in the blanks, thanks to Yoast.
Blog hosted on Blogger
The CMS integration tutorial by Twitter recommends the use of method by Blogger How to integrate Twitter Cards with Blogger. The details are available at the following URL
This solution will probably throw up errors of missing description. There is no solution if you come up with this error. In fact error means that you cannot proceed with the website approval. A better and working solution is provided at the following URL
In fact I have written to Twitter asking this solution to be included in the main tutorial.
Validation using the Twitter Card Validator
This is the final step and needs to be done for the images to be displayed. Head over to the following URL
Insert the link of your post in the given space and click Preview Card button.
If everything is fine, and if there are no errors, you will get a warning that your site is not whitelisted. I prompt to request approval will also come up as shown above.
Request Approval needs a few details of your website. Administrative Contact details are usually populated on their own. When all the necessary fields are filled in, click Request Approval.
You will get a confirmatory message as shown above.
You will receive your finally approval in the linked mail account. After which your tweets will appear as below
Happy Tweeting!